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영어 칼럼

2025 수능완성 실모 1회, 32번 빈칸 해설

Near Stevi’s home is a skateboard park where she’s watched young people skate up unbelievable angles for hours on end. She’s seen the young men (with an occasional female here and there) fall, scrape elbows, rip the skin off knees, and continue to do it again. One time she asked one of the skateboarders why. His answer: “Because I know I can do it.” This skateboarder, like others engaged in challenges, had a strong sense of efficacy, convinced that he would eventually be successful. He was in control and worked hours on end to achieve a goal that he was certain he would attain. In contrast, Stevi asked her nephew why he didn’t spend time at the skateboarding park. Randy’s answer was simple: “I could never do that!” — and he didn’t try. If students__________________, they lose interest, divert attention from their limitations, or flee.

1 face constant criticism
2 doubt their competency
3 experience repeated failures
4 lack enough time to practice
5 are unable to find their aptitude

watched young people skate: 지각동사 + 목적어+ 목적 보어(동사원형 or -ing)
seen the young men fall/ scrape/ rip/ comtimue 도 마찬가지

She’s를 She + is로 생각했다면 큰 오산! 수동태였다면 뒤에 목적어가 오지 않았을 것!, she +has로 봐야 함(현재완료)

내용 분석
역시 비교지점을 잡아야 한다. 일단 하나의 기준은 young men! 계속 넘어지고 다치면서도 왜 그들은 계속하는 걸까? “Because I know I can do it” 자신감이 넘친다. 이런 것을 뭐라도 이름 붙이면 좋을까? Self esteem? Self efficacy? 정도로 생각하면 매우 잘한 것! 그들은 마침내 자신들이 성공할 것이라고 확신한다. Conviction.
반대로, nephew가 등장한다. 왜 너는 스케이트 보드 안 하니? “I could never do that “ 바로 여기서 차이가 나는 것이다. 조카는 스스로에 대한 확신이 없다,,!
->즉, 자기 확신이 없다면, 스스로를 의심한다면 당연히 그 사람은 끝까지 붙잡지 않을 것이다.
답은 그래서 2번이다.

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